School Records Apostille From North Dakota
You can order an apostille on your North Dakota school records with the simple click of a button. A copy of your school/college transcript along with a copy of the school's certificate and an official letter signed by the principal is required. The transcript must have the following information on it:
  • Student's full name
  • Class year
  • Academic year
  • School details

An acknowledgment page signed by the institute head is also required in most cases. Please ensure that you get a new acknowledgment certificate for each document as its photocopies will not work.

The SOS office will certify the institute head’s signature and seal as a part of the apostille process. Mail your educational documents to our office to get started today.
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What Are The North Dakota SOS Apostille Request Guidelines?

Keep the following guidelines in mind when applying for an apostille on your North Dakota-issued documents:

  • Vital records like birth certificates must be originals or certified copies issued within five years, endorsed with a seal and signature.
  • Academic records need certification by the school registrar.
  • Notarization is also required in some cases.
  • Corporate records require hand-signed certified true copies from the Secretary of State Corporations Division.
  • Notarized documents must include a notarial certificate, date, county, and matching signature.
  • For birth, death, or marriage certificates, use certified copies from the State registrar or the respective county clerk.
  • School records must include student details and school information.

Apostille Your Certificate of Good Standing From North Dakota

Need to submit your North Dakota Certificate of Good Standing for an international business procedure or transaction? Globeia will get your certificate apostilled in no time.

Certificates of Good Standings are also referred to as Certificates of Fact in North Dakota. You can request yours using the FirsStop services to verify the status of your company. The certificate will include the directors' or LLP members' details, the secretary's details, and the registered office address. It also confirms the company's continuous existence and serves as proof that there are no pending legal cases against it. assures no pending actions against it.

Choose Globeia to streamline your Certificate of Good Standing apostille process. We can submit your Certificate of Good Standing to the North Dakota Secretary of State's office and mail the apostilled version back to you anywhere around the world.

Globeia’s Experts Make Getting A North Dakota Apostille Easier

Let Globeia’s expert U.S. apostille team help you with getting your documents apostilled from the North Dakota Secretary of State. With our reliable and efficient process, we can assist you in preparing your documents and then submitting them for the final apostille. Having processed thousands of document apostille requests, our team understands the requirements and preparatory steps involved in obtaining an apostille.

What are the requirements for having notarized documents apostilled in North Dakota?

Notarized documents must include a certificate of notarial acts or acknowledgment, the date, the county of registration, the commission expiration date, and the notary's signature that matches the one on file.

What kind of official documents can be apostilled in North Dakota?

Certified copies of birth, death, and marriage certificates must be issued by the State Registrar of Vital Statistics, the County Clerk Recorder. Copies of school records must be issued and signed by the principal or university registrar.

How can I get new copies of vital records or court documents for the apostille in North Dakota?

New copies of vital records can be requested from the North Dakota Department of Health. Court documents certified by government employees or notarized by a notary public can be obtained from the relevant county.

Who Issues Apostille in North Dakota?
Only the North Dakota Secretary of State's office can authenticate documents for foreign use. They might ask you to get your documents notarized by a state-approved notary public in some cases. Original documents are required, along with a filled apostille request form. The address for the North Dakota Secretary of State's office is 600 E Boulevard Avenue Dept 108, Bismarck ND 58505-0500.
Documents That Do Not Require Notarization
Birth Certificate
Death Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Divorce Certificate
Globeia’s North Dakota Apostille Service Covers
Vital Statistic Certificates
Educational Documents
Business Documents
Legal Documents
Other notarized documents