Contact Here To Get Your Vital Records Apostilled
Globeia's Vital Records Apostille service covers the authentication of Hawaii-issued birth, death, and marriage certificates. These vital records are central to your move to another country. The first requirement for obtaining an apostille on a vital record is that it must bear the original signature and seal from the Hawaii State Department of Health and Vital Records Office.

Once certified copies of these records are obtained, they can be sent to the Office of the Lieutenant Governor for apostille. Globeia’s team, with years of experience, facilitates a hassle-free apostille process when you submit your details through our website to get started.
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Notarization of Your Documents Before Apostille In Hawaii

Some documents such as educational transcripts, power of attorney forms, affidavits, and others must first be notarized by a notary public to be eligible for an apostille. After notarization, the circuit court also has to certify the notary's signature. The circuit court in Hawaii plays a crucial role as your apostille request has a high likelihood of being rejected without its signature.

You can contact Globeia after preparing your documents and we will submit your application to the Lieutenant Governor’s office. One of our dedicated case managers will also review your file and help you fix any mistakes.

Globeia’s Dependable Hawaii Apostille Service

Hawaiians must apostille their vital records and other documents to secure job positions, travel, or apply for visas abroad. Skip the hassle of visiting the Lieutenant Governor's office repeatedly by letting Globeia manage your Hawaii apostille application. Globeia has helped thousands of people get their Hawaii documents recognized worldwide. You can also follow a few simple steps to receive the apostilled documents at your address anywhere in the world.

What are the requirements for proper notarization in Hawaii?

To properly notarize documents in Hawaii, they must first be notarized by a Hawaii notary public. Then, the notary's signature must be certified at the Circuit Court in which the notary resides for verification of their signature and commission.

Does a certificate apostille come with an expiry date?

No, an apostille certificate does not expire. It remains valid indefinitely for use in the destination country.

Is an application form required for apostille services from Hawaii SOS?

Yes, you must complete an application form for apostille services. This application typically includes information about your documents and the destination country.

Can an apostille be affixed to an FBI background check?

No, an apostille cannot be affixed to an FBI background check. FBI background checks, being federal documents, require an apostille from the U.S. Department of State Office of Authentications.

Authority to issue an Apostille in Hawaii
The Lieutenant Governor of Hawaii, acting as Secretary of State, authorizes Apostilles for state documents used overseas. Apply at the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, State Capitol- 5th Floor 415 S. Beretania St. , Honolulu. The Lieutenant Governor's office can reject applications for Apostilles or Certifications that seem to violate state or federal laws, interests, policies, or are intended for improper or illegal purposes.
Documents That Do Not Require Notarization
Birth Certificate
Death Certificate
Marriage Certificate
Divorce Certificate
Globeia’s Hawaii Apostille Service Covers
Vital Statistic Certificates
Educational Documents
Business Documents
Legal Documents